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Professionelle Dienstleistungen für Bogenschützen

Ganzheitliches Leistungsportfolio zur Maximierung Ihres Return on Investment von Archer

Kundenanforderungen und Erwartungen werden am besten erfüllt, wenn Produktimplementierungen angemessen geplant, implementiert und mit regelmäßigen Upgrades und Optimierungen gewartet werden. Ergänzen Sie Ihre internen Ressourcen mit Archer-Fachexperten, um den Geschäftskontext für Risiken besser zu verstehen und entsprechend zu priorisieren.


Strategy roadmap

Identify business and solution requirements and implementa phased program for achieving them.





Upgrade services

Ensure your solution is updated and ready and able to provideyou with the best integrated risk management tools you need.



Administrative enablement service

Availability of expertise on-demand to assistwith routine management and administration tasks throughout the license term.



Design and implementation services

Get the solution up and running, achieve early wins and accelerate time-to-value with a variety of “smartstart” services.





Expert on-demand subscription services

Consulting expertise for ongoing staffaugmentation and subject matter expertise to help mitigate the risks and maximize thebusiness outcomes associated with implementing the solution in a reduced time frame.

Customer services

Tailored consulting for business requirements, technology integrations, large or complex implementations, custom feeds and use-case development.



Hardware sizing and performance health check

Evaluate your platform hardwaresizing needs and associated configurations and identify with the requirements forsolution optimization.



Customer success program

Take a proactive approach to ensuring both the long and short-term success and scalability of the product throughout the license term. Learn more.



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